How to Organize Your Desk

We all have one: that desk that is so cluttered and disorganized, it makes you feel like your brain might explode. Organization is not just a matter of aesthetics; it can be beneficial to your work habits and productivity as well. Here are some simple tips to help organize your desk, so that no matter what project or task you’re working on, you can be sure everything will be in one place when you need it.

The basis for the steps below is my SHOO system!

Start with a clear slate

First things first: clear off the top of your desk and empty your drawers.

Step One: SORT

  • As you clear and empty, SORT things by category – pens with pens, pencils with pencils, etc
  • Have three bins on hand for things you will KEEP, DONATE/RECYCLE and TRASH

Step Two: HEAVE

  • Now that you have everything sorted, decide what you NEED to keep and what things you need to HEAVE
  • The three ways to HEAVE are:
    • Donate things that are still in good shape and useful
    • Recycle things as much as you can
    • Trash anything broken, soiled or outdated

Step Three: ORGANIZE

  • This is where you decide what kind/size of container you’ll need to fit your desk/drawers – AFTER YOU HEAVE!
  • Use baskets to hold items that you need frequently within arms’ reach
  • You don’t want to waste time looking for a pen or pencil, especially when you’re in the middle of an important project. To keep your writing utensils organized, use containers that are easy to see and access. If possible, place them near where you work most often so they’re within easy reach when needed. Here is one good option and a second good option << NOT affiliate links
    • If you have several different types of pens or pencils for special uses, try using labeled boxes as well as colour-coded holders so it’s easier to find them as needed
  • Store things like printer paper with, or close to, your printer
  • Organize your cords with twist ties, silicone cable straps or a Grid-It
  • If there are items in your drawer that don’t get used often (like an old stapler), consider putting them into another compartment so they don’t clutter up the space where everything else lives comfortably together without jostling around too much during daily use
  • Use a paper-clip holder for scraps and notes.
    • If you’re anything like me, you have a stack of paper clips lying around your desk. They’re great for holding together papers and keeping them from getting lost, but they also tend to be small and easy to lose. Luckily, there is an easy way to keep your desk clean by putting the paper clips in a holder.
      • A clear holder will let you see what’s inside without having to open it every time–and that means no more searching through drawers or under papers trying to find the one tiny piece of metal that holds everything together!
  • Keep sticky notes visible and accessible, so that you don’t have to dig through stacks of paper when needed!


  • Live with your system for a few weeks, making note of what works for you and what doesn’t
  • Remember that daily use items should always be within easy reach
  • If there are items in your drawer that don’t get used often (like an old stapler), consider putting them somewhere else so they don’t clutter up the space where everything else lives comfortably together without jostling around too much during daily use

Organizing your desk will make it more effective and easy to use

In order to be effective and efficient, you need to make sure that your desk is organized. If it’s not, then it can become difficult to use and find things. This means that if your workstation isn’t in order, it could cause problems with the quality of your work as well as how fast and efficiently you complete tasks.

In addition to helping out with productivity in your home or work office, having an organized space can also help keep stress levels low because there are fewer distractions around when trying to get things done. This is especially true if there’s clutter on top of or around desks (or even worse–underneath them).

You don’t have to be a professional organizer or an expert on the subject to get started with this project. You just need some time, patience and creativity! The most important thing is that you take action. You’ll be surprised at how much better your desk will look once it’s organized, which means you’ll also feel calmer and more focused when working at home or in the office. So what are you waiting for? Let’s get started!

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