I’m Jillie
Your go-to girl for all things ORGANIZING
As a child I organized and reorganized and reorganized my room. I loved being able to create a system that worked for my own organizing style, which would later allow me to create my SHOO system as a framework for simplifying and organizing!
I created SHOO to give people a framework to use to help get organized. And then I created HelloSimple.ca to share all those tips + tricks I pick up along the way!
Discover hints and tips for simplifying and organizing your home + life!
Behind the blog
How it all started
Getting rid of clutter is a simple process, once you break it down into manageable steps. Tackling too much at once, or underestimating the time and effort it will take to “get organized”, can lead to frustration and a “throw in the towel” stance that will further add to your clutter and your anxiety.
By following the 4 simple steps of the SHOO™ Away Clutter method, you will map out a plan for success. Having a clear vision of what you want (more time, more space, less clutter, fewer things) and applying these 4 simple steps will allow you to achieve your goal. Since there are a myriad of things that one could organize, we will follow the example of a bedroom clothes closet to illustrate the 4 steps to SHOO™ Away Clutter.