Rustic Dining Room DIY

We’ve had our dining room set since around the time we got married in 1999. We had been to the furniture store and picked out the table, intending to save up and purchase it.  Hubby, however, surprised me by taking time off work to go get the set a few days later and we’ve been sitting around it since then!

It started out as a golden oak kind of colour.  We have painted it twice now, and currently the pedestal and chairs are white, and the table top is a dark chocolate – a colour called “Hot Chocolate” from Canadian Tire. (The chairs are still oak in these pics!)

To customize the table, I decided to paint some sayings on the table top!

It was a simple enough task to add the wording – after printing out the wording, I just used some old-fashioned carbon paper, tape and the rounded end of a paint brush to trace the lettering on to the table and then just colour over it with a paint pen in white.

The chairs were also painted white and then distressed, giving us an over all look of rustic country!

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