lavender and journal

Make The Bed

When you are in the midst of a spell of low energy or having a bad pain day, do this one simple thing to give yourself a win when you first start your day…



Make your bed.



My bed has a pretty simple set up and it’s easy for me to make it look “made”.

I have a fitted and flat sheet, so they’re easy to straighten. Then a comforter. Again, easy to straighten out and make it look good.

Then I have six pillows and they’re easy to throw, even on the days when my fibromyalgia is acting up. Two big ones at the back, two standard, one memory foam one and my “let’s cuddle” pillow.

The throw is actually a waterproof dog blanket so my pup can be on the bed, which she doesn’t do very often.

It gives me a boost when I come back into the room. If I can accomplish that one thing, I start with a win. It may be the only win I have on any given day, but it always makes me feel good!

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